Daggerfall : DaggerfallSetup
Version 3.1.0
Developped and maintained by Ancestral Ghost up to version 2.12.0.
Maintained by Daneel53 since version 2.13.
DaggerfallSetup was done for install a ready to play Daggerfall easily on modern Windows Systems.
The game is already patched with the patch 1.07.213, the official questpack CompUSA Special Edition and two unofficials fixes. It work with a already configured DosBox. It proposes as options all unofficial fixes, unofficial quests packs and game translations (see Components). If you decide to install all unofficial fixes (proposed by default), the classic Daggerfall installed by DaggerfallSetup shall be fully compatible with Daggerfall Unity 1.0.
Like any Windows Setup, you can install Daggerfall anywhere on your computer. The setup can add a shortcut on your desktop, a folder in your start menu and a quick launch icon. Off course, you can uninstall Daggerfall as easily as you can install it.
Due to the fact that DaggerXL is an abandonned and non finished project, compatibility of DaggerfallSetup with DaggerXL is not anymore tested.
Upgraded to 1.0 on December 31, 2023, Daggerfall Unity is now the preferred way to run Daggerfall on modern systems, with improved graphics and the ability to receive a wide range of mods. Translations are also present, and in much better condition than the classic Daggerfall patch allowed. The French translation (the PFDU) is now 100% complete, so are translation in Spanish, Russian and Turkish; German or Portugese will soon join this state. As a result, the French (PFD 0.35) and German (DfD 0.77) translations of classic Daggerfall contained in this version of DaggerfallSetup are normally the last to be produced by their respective teams, except if the content of the installation must be fixed. The future of Daggerfall translation now lies in Daggerfall Unity.
Download: DaggerfallSetup-3.1.0.zip (230 MB)
Changes : DaggerfallSetup-Readme.rtf
After the character generation and after your first savegame, don't forget to run EyeOfArgonia.exe for increase view distance.
Components Detail
Each component can be selected or not individually. Official component must be installed.
DOSBox is version 0.74-3. The Setup was done with Inno Setup 6.2.2.
All components are listed with the name of originals autors. Thanks for their work.
You can see more details in English on these files on the UESP web page
Components always installed
- Daggerfall from US CD.
- The Patch 1.07.213 with Fixmaps.exe.
- The Questpack "CompUSA Special Edition" (Addquest).
- Fixsave 1.75: Game save repair. Repairs damaged save games which may cause errors in Daggerfall.
Unoficial fixes:
- P0B10L08 Fix by Ancestral Ghost: Unlock a vampire quest with misnamed QBN file.
- DOS32 Advanced DOS Extender 9.1.2 by Narech K.: Avoid savegames corruption.
Unofficial fixes (recommended)
- FixedQuests by Donald Tipdon, Fixes: Quests bug-fix.
- DFQFIX 3.3 by PLRDLF: Quests bug-fix.
- Q0C00Y03 Fix by GhanBuriGhan: Quest bug-fix.
- SPELL.STD Fix by Nwart: Spell Bug-fix.
- MAGIC.DEF Fix by DelphiSnake: Spell Bug-fix.
- FACTIONFIX 1.2 by PLRDLF: Faction-Database bug-fix.
- DFBIOGFIX 1.1 by Deepfighter: Fix Biography files.
- POLITIC.PAK Fix v2 by Uniblab: Fix for Wrothgarian Mountains enclave.
- Hammerfell NPCs Fix by Ferital: Fixes Hammerfell's NPCs + Dragontail Mountains textures
- HackFall Release 3 by DelphiSnake: Compilation of fixes
- Daggerfall Graphics Fix 07/06/14 by MrFlibble: Fix a variety of graphics issues.
- Wayrest Dark Elves Fix by Andrew Polis & DelphiSnake: Fix Dark Elves skins for Barenziah, Morgiah, Helseth & Karethys.
- Z.CFG performance tweaks by Daggerfella: Improve game performance.
Optional components
Unofficial Quests packs
- Xtra Quests 1,2,3,SE,Patch by Skeleton Man: 40 quests.
- Live by the sword by GhanBuriGhan: 5 Fighters Guild quests.
- FixedQuests by Donald Tipdon, New Quests: 5 Thieves Guild quests.
- Pack #1A by Azileron: 7 Mages Guild quests.
- EyeOfArgonia 1.1 by MagikMike: Tool for maximise the view distance.
- DagSkills 0.96 by Ferital & Daneel53: Fix skills and attributes rising.
- French: Projet French Daggerfall 0.35.0 by Aggelon, ELOdry, Ferital & Daneel53.
- German: Daggerfall-Deutsch 0.77 by Deepfighter
- Russian: Russian Daggerfall 1.04.2 by VorteX DrAgON (updated by Daneel53 in 02/2024).
- Spanish: DaggerFall en Español 09/07/2003 by Nightwolf.
Keyboard configuration
- French keyboard configuration (AZERTY)
- German keyboard configuration (QWERTZ)
Note: Default keyboard is american QWERTY
Advanced configuration
Run the game in full screen
Open the DosBoxDaggerfall.conf file with a text editor and change fullscreen=false for fullscreen=true.
When you are playing, you can switch screen mode with ALT + ENTER.
Increase view Distance
Simply use EyeOfArgonia.exe for increase the View Distance on all of your Savegames.
Smooth graphics
You can playwith Daggerfall default graphics, but you can also use a filter for have a smoother Daggerfall. Open the DosBox.conf file with a text editor and change the following:
- Search the line output=Surface and replace surface with ddraw, opengl or openglnb.
- Search the line fullresolution=original and replace original with your screen resolution (1024x768 by example).
- Search the line scaler=normal2x and replace normal2x with normal3x, advmame2x, advmame3x, hq2x, hq3x, 2xsai, super2xsai, supereagle, advinterp2x, advinterp3x, tv2x, tv3x, rgb2x, rgb3x, scan2x or scan3x (You can see examples here).
- Save and exit "dosbox.conf".
Install on a old character ?
You can use your old savegame with DaggerfallSetup. Most of contents won't alter your savegame. However, I commend to finish/cancel all your actives secondary quests before installing quest fixes.
If you want uninstall some contents, it's the same:
- Finish/Cancel your secondary quests before if you want uncheck a quest fixe or a Quest Pack.
- If you use Dagskill, you need to keep it if your stats are upper 100%.
- If you use a translation, some words can remain in your savegame.
And, the most important: do a back up of your save, just in case.
Known bugs
Black screen after introduction video
If you get a Black screen after skipping the introduction video with the mouse, type ALT + ENTER for go in Windowed mode and ALT + ENTER again for return to fullscreen mode.
If you want skip the Introduction video, use Space or Escape but not the mouse for avoid this problem.
Crash on quest Reward
Some people report a game crash which occur when you receive a Reward from quest. We are trying to fix it here. Please report the bug if you get it.
Crash after character creation
If the game crash after the character creation, try to run it with administrator privileges or install Daggerfall in a folder that isn't "Program files".
I don't find my savegame files
If you don't find your savegame and if you installed the game in "Program files", your files may be in the virtual folder:
"C:\Users\Your username\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Daggerfall\"
Contact / Support
A dedicate DaggerfallSetup Forum is at your disposal. If you have a bug or any problem, please report it. We will try to fix them.
We are always seaching for new bug fixes and translations for this project. Please, tell us if know any fix/Translation project.

Source code
Download all the files needed to regenerate the DaggerfallSetup 3.0.1 : DaggerfallSetup-3.0.1-Sources.zip.
The installer was done with Inno Setup version 6.3.1 and Inno Script Studio 2.5.1 (the use of Inno Script Studio is optional but facilitate the generation and debugging of the installer).
The source file of the installer itself is the file DaggerfallSetup.iss.