TESCS2 : itemID

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Les références des objets sont utilisées lorsqu'on souhaite invoquer un item particulier grace à la console, on remplace alors le term "itemID" de la commande générale : player.additem "itemID" # (où # est la quantité désirée) par la référence de l'objet en question.

Voici une référence des objets d'Oblivion et leurs ID.


crochet 			00000a
clé squelette (securité +40)	00000b
marteau d'aprenti		00000c
piece d'or                      00000f
...à compléter


Ale 	                	000B1200
Beer 	                	000B1202
Cheap Wine 	       		00037F7F
Cure for Vampirism 		000977E4
Cyrodilic Brandy 		00033569
Grand Elixir of Exploration 	0004E93A
Hist Sap 	       		0003356A
Human Blood 	       		00098309
Mead 	                	000B1201
Moderate Elixir of Exploration	0004E938
Newheim's Special Brew		000B1241
Philter of Frostward 		0007BCC9
Poison of Affliction 		0008DC5C
Poison of Apathy 		00009283
Poison of Burden 		000984A5
Poison of Catastrophe 		00009281
Poison of Clumsiness 		0008DC58
Poison of Confusion 		0008DC5E
Poison of Cowardice 		00056E54
Poison of Debilitation		0000927D
Poison of Fatigue 		0008DC70
Poison of Feeblemind 		00009280
Poison of Frailty 		00009285
Poison of Fright 		0008DC6D
Poison of Fumbling 		0000927C
Poison of Illness 		0008DC73
Poison of Misfortune 		0008DC61
Poison of Paralysis 		00009302
Poison of Repulsion 		00009282
Poison of Separation 		00009284
Poison of Severing 		0008DC76
Poison of Sickness 		0000927F
Poison of Silence 		00009320
Poison of Slowing 		0008DC67
Poison of the Fool 		0008DC64
Poison of Weakness 		0008DC6A
Poison of Weariness 		0000927E
Potion of Absorption 		00009321
Potion of Agility 		00098471
Potion of Alacrity 		0009849B
Potion of Antivenom 		00009308
Potion of Chameleon 		00088B1C
Potion of Charisma 		0009849A
Potion of Cure Disease		0000920E
Potion of Cure Paralysis	0000922E
Potion of Cure Poison 		0000920F
Potion of Dedication 		00056E55
Potion of Detect Life 		000984A6
Potion of Disbelief 		00009307
Potion of Dispel 		0000927B
Potion of Endurance 		00098472
Potion of Fatigue 		00098473
Potion of Feather 		000092E6
Potion of Fire Shield 		000092E7
Potion of Fortitude 		00098494
Potion of Fortune 		00098498
Potion of Frost Shield		000092FE
Potion of Grace 		00098493
Potion of Grounding 		00009309
Potion of Healing 		00098496
Potion of Health 		00098474
Potion of Insight 		00098497
Potion of Insulation 		00009305
Potion of Intelligence		00098475
Potion of Invisibility		000092FF
Potion of Light 		00009300
Potion of Luck			00098476
Potion of Magicka 		00098477
Potion of Might 		0009849C
Potion of Nighteye 		00009301
Potion of Personality 		00098478
Potion of Reflection 		00009303
Potion of Resistance 		00009304
Potion of Respite 		00098495
Potion of Seastride 		000984A4
Potion of Shock Shield		00009AE3
Potion of Sorcery 		00098499
Potion of Speed 		00098479
Potion of Strength 		0009847A
Potion of the Sea 		000984A3
Potion of Warmth 		00009306
Potion of Willpower 		00056E53
Rosethorn Mead			000B97EA
Shadowbanish Wine 		00185DCD
Skooma				0004E0A9
Strong Elixir of Exploration 	0004E939
Strong Poison of Affliction 	0008DC5D
Strong Poison of Apathy 	0009846A
Strong Poison of Burden 	0000920D
Strong Poison of Catastrophe 	00098464
Strong Poison of Clumsiness 	0008DC5A
Strong Poison of Confusion 	0008DC60
Strong Poison of Cowardice 	00056E56
Strong Poison of Debilitation 	000984AC
Strong Poison of Fatigue 	0008DC72
Strong Poison of Feeblemind 	00098462
Strong Poison of Frailty 	0009846C
Strong Poison of Fright 	0008DC6F
Strong Poison of Fumbling 	000984AA
Strong Poison of Illness 	0008DC75
Strong Poison of Misfortune 	0008DC63
Strong Poison of Paralysis 	00098484
Strong Poison of Repulsion 	00098468
Strong Poison of Separation 	00098466
Strong Poison of Severing 	0008DC78
Strong Poison of Sickness 	00098460
Strong Poison of Silence 	0009849E
Strong Poison of Slowing 	0008DC69
Strong Poison of the Fool 	0008DC66
Strong Poison of Weakness 	0008DC6C
Strong Poison of Weariness 	000984AE
Strong Potion of Absorption 	000984A0
Strong Potion of Agility 	000092E9
Strong Potion of Alacrity 	00009319
Strong Potion of Antivenom 	00098490
Strong Potion of Chameleon 	00088B1E
Strong Potion of Charisma 	00009317
Strong Potion of Dedication 	00056E58
Strong Potion of Detect Life 	00009230
Strong Potion of Disbelief 	0009848E
Strong Potion of Dispel 	000984A8
Strong Potion of Endurance 	000092EB
Strong Potion of Fatigue 	000092ED
Strong Potion of Feather 	0009846E
Strong Potion of Fire Shield 	00098470
Strong Potion of Fortitude 	0000930D
Strong Potion of Fortune 	00009315
Strong Potion of Frost Shield 	0009847C
Strong Potion of Grace		0000930B
Strong Potion of Grounding 	00098492
Strong Potion of Healing 	00009311
Strong Potion of Health 	000092EF
Strong Potion of Insight 	00009313
Strong Potion of Insulation 	00098489
Strong Potion of Intelligence 	000092F1
Strong Potion of Invisibility 	0009847E
Strong Potion of Light		00098480
Strong Potion of Luck 	        000092F3
Strong Potion of Magicka 	000092F9
Strong Potion of Might		0000931D
Strong Potion of Nighteye 	00098482
Strong Potion of Personality 	000092F5
Strong Potion of Reflection 	00098486
Strong Potion of Resistance 	00098488
Strong Potion of Respite 	0000930F
Strong Potion of Seastride 	00009327
Strong Potion of Shock Shield 	00009AE4
Strong Potion of Sorcery 	0000931B
Strong Potion of Speed		000092F7
Strong Potion of Strength 	000092FB
Strong Potion of the Sea 	00009325
Strong Potion of Warmth 	0009848C
Strong Potion of Willpower 	00056E57
Surilie Brothers Vintage 399 	00037F84
Surilie Brothers Vintage 415 	00037F82
Surilie Brothers Wine 	        00037F80
Tamika Vintage 399 	        00037F7E
Tamika Vintage 415 	        00037F83
Tamika's West Weald Wine 	00037F81
Turpentine 	                0018BD5A
Turpentine 	                000CD2DB
Turpentine 	                000CD2DC
Turpentine 	                000CD2DD
Turpentine 	                000CD2DE
Turpentine 	                000CD2DF
Weak Elixir of Exploration 	0004E937
Weak Poison of Affliction 	0008DC5B
Weak Poison of Apathy 	        00098469
Weak Poison of Burden 	        0000920C
Weak Poison of Catastrophe 	00098463
Weak Poison of Clumsiness 	0008DC59
Weak Poison of Confusion 	0008DC5F
Weak Poison of Cowardice 	00056E59
Weak Poison of Debilitation 	000984AB
Weak Poison of Fatigue		0008DC71
Weak Poison of Feeblemind 	00098461
Weak Poison of Frailty		0009846B
Weak Poison of Fright 	        0008DC6E
Weak Poison of Fumbling 	000984A9
Weak Poison of Illness		0008DC74
Weak Poison of Misfortune 	0008DC62
Weak Poison of Paralysis 	00098483
Weak Poison of Repulsion 	00098467
Weak Poison of Separation 	00098465
Weak Poison of Severing 	0008DC77
Weak Poison of Sickness 	000984AF
Weak Poison of Silence		0009849D
Weak Poison of Slowing		0008DC68
Weak Poison of the Fool 	0008DC65
Weak Poison of Weakness 	0008DC6B
Weak Poison of Weariness 	000984AD
Weak Potion of Absorption 	0009849F
Weak Potion of Agility		000092E8
Weak Potion of Alacrity 	00009318
Weak Potion of Antivenom 	0009848F
Weak Potion of Chameleon 	00088B1D
Weak Potion of Charisma 	00009316
Weak Potion of Dedication 	00056E52
Weak Potion of Detect Life 	0000922F
Weak Potion of Disbelief 	0009848D
Weak Potion of Dispel 	        000984A7
Weak Potion of Endurance 	000092EA
Weak Potion of Fatigue		000092EC
Weak Potion of Feather		0009846D
Weak Potion of Fire Shield 	0009846F
Weak Potion of Fortitude 	0000930C
Weak Potion of Fortune		00009314
Weak Potion of Frost Shield 	0009847B
Weak Potion of Grace 	        0000930A
Weak Potion of Grounding 	00098491
Weak Potion of Healing		00009310
Weak Potion of Health		000092EE
Weak Potion of Insight		00009312
Weak Potion of Insulation 	0009848A
Weak Potion of Intelligence 	000092F0
Weak Potion of Invisibility 	0009847D
Weak Potion of Light 	        0009847F
Weak Potion of Luck 	        000092F2
Weak Potion of Magicka		000092F8
Weak Potion of Might 	        0000931C
Weak Potion of Nighteye 	00098481
Weak Potion of Personality 	000092F4
Weak Potion of Reflection 	00098485
Weak Potion of Resistance 	00098487
Weak Potion of Respite		0000930E
Weak Potion of Seastride 	00009326
Weak Potion of Shock Shield 	00009AE0
Weak Potion of Sorcery		0000931A
Weak Potion of Speed		000092F6
Weak Potion of Strength 	000092FA
Weak Potion of the Sea		00009324
Weak Potion of Warmth		0009848B
Weak Potion of Willpower	00056E51


Apprentice Alembic 	        0006E310
Apprentice Calcinator 	        0006E311
Apprentice Mortar & Pestle 	0006E312
Apprentice Retort 	        0006E313
Expert Alembic 	                0006EE5C
Expert Calcinator 	        0006EE5E
Expert Mortar & Pestle 	        0006EE60
Expert Retort 	                0006EE62
Journeyman Alembic 	        0006EE52
Journeyman Calcinator 	        0006EE55
Journeyman Mortar & Pestle 	0006EE57
Journeyman Retort 	        0006EE59
Master Alembic 	                0006EE64
Master Calcinator 	        0006EE66
Master Mortar & Pestle 	        0006EE68
Master Retort 	                0006EE6A
Novice Alembic 	                00010604
Novice Calcinator 	        0001057D
Novice Mortar & Pestle 	        000C7968
Novice Mortar & Pestle 	        000105E3
Novice Retort 	                00000C4F


Akaviri sunderblade 		000CA154
Akaviri Warblade       	        000CA155
Akaviri Dai-Katana		0009DAC5
Akaviri Katana                  00024DCA
Akaviri Katana                  000977C9
Akaviri Warhammer Burden        000387B5
Ancient Akaviri Katana          000E78E5
Apotheosis                      000CA153
Axe of Hazards                  0003CCFF
Axe of Icy Darkness             0003BF64
Ayleid long sword               00014F14
Ayleid Mace                     00014F15
Battle Axe of Absorption        0003841F
Battle Axe of Beguilement       0003539C
Battle Axe of Blizzards         0002308B
Battle Axe of Cold              000220A8
Battle Axe of Damnation         000353C2
Battle Axe of Decay             0003B407
Battle Axe of Deception         0003539A
Battle Axe of Depletion         000387AE
Battle Axe of Diminishing       0003D7D3
Battle Axe of Dispel            0003D7CB
Battle Axe of Dissolution       0003B40A
Battle Axe of Embers            0003DAE7
Battle Axe of Enfeeblement      0003CD09
Battle Axe of Feeding           0003B402
Battle Axe of Fire              0003DB0C
BAttle Axe of Flames            0003DB03
Battle Axe of Freezing          000225D9
Battle Axe of Frost             0003DB8F
Battle Axe of Jinxing           0003AB6F
Battle Axe of Lightning         0002C278
Battle Axe of Putrification     0003B40C
Battle Axe of Rending           0003B40E
Battle Axe of Sapping           0003D7E2
Battle Axe of Scorching         0003DAFA
Battle Axe of Shocking          0002B8D6
Battle Axe of Siphoning         0003B3FF
Battle Axe of Soul Snares       000353CA
Battle Axe of Soul Traps        00035397
Battle Axe of Souls             00035C27
Battle Axe of Sparks            0002B561
Battle Axe of Storms            0002C286
Battle Axe of the Blaze         0003DB15
Battle Axe of the Dynamo        0002BFFA
Battle Axe of the Glacier       00022738
Battle Axe of the Inferno       0003DB1E
Battle Axe of Transmogrify      0003B403
Battle Axe of Voltage           0002BDDD
Battle Axe of Weakness          0003AB43
Battle Axe of Winter            000230D9
Battle Axe of Hatred            000CA152
Baurus's Akaviri Katana         0006B843
Black Bow                       000908AD
Blackwater Blade                0000C201
Blade of Fiery Light            0003BF60
Blade of Woe                    00091905
Blizzard Bow                    0003CD05
Boreal                          0003CD05
Bound Axe                       00026276
Bound Bow                       0002627D
Bound Dagger                    0002627C
Bound Mace                      00026274
Bound Sword                     00026273
Bow of Blizzards                0002308D
Bow of burning                  0003DAF2
Bow of cold                     000220F6
Bow of Curses                   0003AB87
Bow of Despair                  0003AC88
Bow of Embers                   0003DAE9
Bow of Fire                     0003DB0D
Bow of Flames                   0003DB04
Bow of Freezing                 000225DA
Bow of Frost                    0003DB91
Bow of Gloom                    0003AC89
Bow of Harm                     0003AB6C
Bow of Infernal Frost           00082DE4
Bow of Infliction               000CA156
Bow of Jolts                    0002B585
Bow of Lightning                0002C27A
Bow of Numbing                  0003DB7B
Bow of Quietus                  0002B558
Bow of Scorching                0003DAFB
Bow of Shocking                 0002B8D7
Bow of Silence                  0002B559
Bow of Sparks                   0002B562
Bow of Storms                   0002C287
Bow of the Blaze                0003DB16
Bow of the Dynamo               0002BFFB
Bow of the Glacier              00022854
Bow of the Inferno              0003DB1F
Bow of Voltage                  0002BEB2
Bow of Weariness                0003AB6B
Bow of Winter                   000230DD
Broken Sword                    0002D72B
Brusef Amelion's Sword          000091FB
Burden of Agnosticism           00014953
Burden of Anger                 0001494F
Burden of Arrogance             00014950
Burden of Flesh                 00014952
Burden of Secrecy               00014951
Burden of Sin                   00014954
Burz's Glass Mace               000C7610
Caelia's Steel Longsword        0006AA99
Calliben's Grim Retort          000CB6F3
Captain Kordan's Saber          000CA158
Ceremonial Dagger               0008DA4A
Chillrend                       00068C01
Claymore of Blizzards           00023095
Claymore of Brittleness         0003D7BB
Claymore of Burning             0003DAF3
Claymore of Cold                0002224D
Claymore of Depletion           0003AB75
Claymore of Depletion           0003D7E8
Claymore of Disintegration      0003D7C7
Claymore of Dispel              0003D7CC
Claymore of Embers              0003DAEA
Claymore of Fire                0003DB0E
Claymore of Flames              0003DB05
Claymore of Fracturing          0003D7BF
Claymore of Fragments           0003D7B8
Claymore of Freezing            000225F6
Claymore of Frost               0003DB73
Claymore of Jinxing             0003AB74
Claymore of Jolts               0002B586
Claymore of Lightning           0002C27B
Claymore of Numbing             0003DB7C
Claymore of Pain                0003D7DE
Claymore of Sapping             0003D7E3
Claymore of Scorching           0003DAFC
Claymore of Shattering          0003D7C3
Claymore of Shocking            0002B8D8
Claymore of Sparks              0002B563
Claymore of Storms              0002C289
Claymore of the Blaze           0003DB17
Claymore of the Dynamo          0002BFFC
Claymore of the Glacier         00022A2B
Claymore of the Inferno         0003DB20
Claymore of Voltage             0002BFF3
Claymore of Weariness           0003D7DA
Claymore of Winter              000230DE
Club                            00159829
Cursed Mace                     00026F98
Daedric Battle Axe              00035E77
Daedric Bow                     000733DD
Daedric Bow                     00035E7C
Daedric Claymore                00035E78
Daedric Dagger                  00035E72
Daedric Longsword               00035E76
Daedric Mace                    00035E75
Daedric Shortsword              00035E73
Daedric War Axe                 00035E74
Daedric Warhammer               00035E79
Dagger of Absorption            0003841A
Dagger of Blizzards             00023098
Dagger of Brittleness           0003D7BC
Dagger of Burning               0003DAF4
Dagger of Cold                  0002257F
Dagger of Depletion             0003D7E9
Dagger of Diminishing           0003D7D4
Dagger of Discipline            000C891F
Dagger of Disintegration        0003D7C8
Dagger of Dispel                0003D7CD
Dagger of Embers                0003DAEB
Dagger of Enfeeblement          000389E6
Dagger of Fire                  0003DB0F
Dagger of Flames                0003DB06
Dagger of Fracturing            0003D7C0
Dagger of Fragments             0003D7B7
Dagger of Freezing              000225FC
Dagger of Frost                 0003DB74
Dagger of Jinxing               0003AB6E
Dagger of Jolts                 0002B588
Dagger of Lightning             0002C27D
Dagger of Numbing               0003DB7D
Dagger of Pacification          0003BF61
Dagger of Pain                  0003D7DF
Dagger of Paralysis             0002B560
Dagger of Sapping               0003D7E4
Dagger of Scorching             0003DAFD
Dagger of Shattering            0003D7C4
Dagger of Shocking              0002B8D9
Dagger of Sparks                0002B564
Dagger of Storms                0002C28D
Dagger of the Blaze             0003DB18
Dagger of the Dynamo            0002BFFD
Dagger of the Glacier           00022A2C
Dagger of the Inferno           0003DB21
Dagger of Voltage               0002BFF4
Dagger of Weakness              0003AB3F
Dagger of Weariness             0003D7DB
Dagger of Winter                000230DF
Dalvilu Cermonial Dagger        0001ECE5
Debaser                         0001D0B4
Defiler                         0003CB6B
Destarine's Cleaver             000CA159
Dragon's Bow                    0003CD04
Dremora Bow                     000872AA
Dremora Claymore                0003E9C4
Dremora Heavy Bow               000872AB
Dremora Light Bow               000872A9
Dremora Longsword               0003E9C3
Dremora Mace                    0003E9C2
Dwarven Battle Axe              00035DCD
Dwarven Bow                     00035DCE
Dwarven Bow Replica             000C7979
Dwarven Claymore                00035DCF
Dwarven Claymore Replica        000C5606
Dwarven Dagger                  00035DD0
Dwarven Longsword               000732B6
Dwarven Mace                    00035DD2
Dwarven Shortsword              00035DD3
Dwarven War Axe                 00035DD4
Dwarven War Axe Replica         000C5602
Dwarven Warhammer               00035DD5
Ebony Battle Axe                00035E6F
Ebony Blade                     00027109
Ebony Bow                       00035E7B
Ebony Claymore                  00035E70
Ebony Dagger                    00035E6A
Ebony Dagger Replica            000C5616
Ebony Longsword                 000732DE
Ebony Mace                      00035E6D
Ebony Mace Replica              000C561F
Ebony Shortsword                00035E6B
Ebony Shortsword Replica        000C798A
Ebony War Axe                   00035E6C
Ebony Warhammer                 00035E71
Ebony Warhammer Replica         000C5604
Elven Battle Axe                00035E67
Elven Bow                       000229BF
Elven Claymore                  00035E68
Elven Dagger                    00035E63
Elven Longsword                 000977CD
Elven Longsword Replica         000C55FF
Elvan Mace                      00035E66
Elven Shortsword                00035E64
Elven Shortsword Replica        000C7985
Elven War Axe                   00035E65
Elven Warhammer                 00035E69
Enchanted Dagger                0003FBCE
Essence of Regret               00014963
Fine Iron Battle Axe            0003A85F
Fine Iron Bow                   0003A860
Fine Iron Claymore              0003A861
Fine Iron Dagger                0003A862
Fine Iron Longsword             0003A863
Fine Iron Mace                  0003A864
Fine Iron Shortsword            0003A865
Fine Iron War Axe               0003A866
Fine Iron Warhammer             0003A867
Fine Steel Battle Axe           0003A856
Fine Steel Bow                  0003A857
Fine Steel Claymore             0003A858
Fine Steel Dagger               0003A859
Fine Steel Longsword            0003A85A
Fine Steel Mace                 0003A85B
Fine Steel Shortsword           0003A85C
Fine Steel War Axe              0003A85D
Fine Steel Warhammer            0003A85E
Frostwyrm Bow                   000C55E4
Ghost Axe                       0003CD07
Gift of Flame                   0001494C
Gladiator's Sword               0003E45B
Glass Battle Axe                00035E60
Glass Battle Axe Replica        000C5608
Glass Bow                       000733DC
Glass Claymore                  00035E61
Glass Dagger                    00035E5B
Glass Dagger Replica            000C7973
Glass Longsword                 000732DD
Glass Longsword Replica         000C5601
Glass Mace                      00035E5E
Glass Shortsword                00035E5C
Glass Shortsword Replica        000C7989
Glass War Axe                   00035E5D
Glass Warhammer                 000977CB
Glenroy's Akaviri Katana        00022F82
Goblin Shaman Staff             00066C45
Goblin Totem Staff              000AA01F
Goldbrand                       00027105
Greater Staff of Anarchy        00091322
Greater Staff of Apathy         000912EC
Greater Staff of Blundering     000912D4
Greater Staff of Burden         000912BF
Greater Staff of Calm           000912C2
Greater Staff of Catastrophe    000912E3
Greater Staff of Charm          000912C8
Greater Staff of Confusion      000912F2
Greater Staff of Corrosion      000912FC
Greater Staff of Demoralize     000912F6
Greater Staff of Dispel         000912FF
Greater Staff of Domination     000912D1
Greater Staff of Fatigue        000912DA
Greater Staff of Feeblemind     000912D7
Greater Staff of Fire           00091326
Greater Staff of Fireball       00091329
Greater Staff of Fragility      0009131F
Greater Staff of Frailty        000912EF
Greater Staff of Frost          0009132C
Greater Staff of Ice Storm      0009132F
Greater Staff of Lethargy       0009131C
Greater Staff of Light          00091332
Greater Staff of Lightning      000914B6
Greater Staff of Open           00091335
Greater Staff of Ruin           00091302
Greater Staff of Severing       000912E6
Greater Staff of Sickness       000912DD
Greater Staff of Silence        000914BC
Greater Staff of Stopping       00091338
Greater Staff of Storms         000914B9
Greater Staff of Sundering      00091316
Greater Staff of Taming         000912CE
Greater Staff of Telekinesis    000914BF
Gretare Staff of the Dazed      00091310
Greater Staff of the Doomed     00091313
Greater Staff of the Grave      000914C2
Greater Staff of the Oaf        00091305
Greater Staff of the Pariah     000912E9
Greater Staff of the Plague     00091308
Greater Staff of the Weary      0009130A
Greater Staff of Weakness       000912E1
Hatreds Soul                    00014D6A
Heat of Sinfulness              00014960
Honorblade of Chorrol           00028BA0
Hrormir's Icestaff              00002DDF
Immolator                       0003CD01
Iron Battle Axe                 00000D7F
Iron Bow                        00025231
Iron Claymore                   0001C6CD
Iron Dagger                     00019171
Iron Longsword                  000977D1
Iron Mace                       00000D82
Iron Shortsword                 00000C0D
Iron War Axe                    00000D81
Iron Warhammer                  00019172
Languorwine Blade               00028277
Lesser Staff of Anarchy         00091323
Lesser Staff of Apathy          000912ED
Lesser Staff of Blundering      000912D2
Lesser Staff of Burden          000912D8
Lesser Staff of Calm            000912C0
Lesser Staff of Catastrophe     000912E4
Lesser Staff of Charm           000912C6
Lesser Staff of Confusion       000912F3
Lesser Staff of Corrosion       000912FA
Lesser Staff of Demoralize      000912F4
Lesser Staff of Dispel          000912FD
Lesser Staff of Domination      000912CF
Lesser Staff of Fatigue         000912DB
Lesser Staff of Feeblemind      000912E0
Lesser Staff of Fire            00091324
Lesser Staff of Fireball        00091327
Lesser Staff of Fragility       00091320
Lesser Staff of Frailty         000912F0
Lesser Staff of Frost           0009132A
Lesser Staff of Ice Storm       0009132D
Lesser Staff of Lethargy        0009131D
Lesser Staff of Light           00091330
Lesser Staff of Lightning       000914CA
Lesser Staff of Open            00091334
Lesser Staff of Ruin            00091300
Lesser Staff of Severing        000912E7
Lesser Staff of Sickness        000912DE
Lesser Staff of Silence         000914BA
Lesser Staff of Stopping        00091336
Lesser Staff of Storms          000914B7
Lesser Staff of Sundering       00091317
Lesser Staff of Taming          000912CC
Lesser Staff of Telekinesis     000914BD
Lesser Staff of the Dazed       00091311
Lesser Staff of the Doomed      00091314
Lesser Staff of the Grave       000914C0
Lesser Staff of the Oaf         00091303
Lesser Staff of the Pariah      000912EA
Lesser Staff of the Plague      00091306
Lesser Staff of the Weary       00091309
Lesser Staff of Weakness        000912D5
Longsword of Brittleness        0003D7BD
Longsword of Depletion          0003D7EA
Longsword of Flames             0003DB07
Longsword of Freezing           0002263D
Longsword of Voltage            0002BFF5
Longsword of Absorption         0003841D
Longsword of Blizzards          000230A6
Longsword of Burning            0003DAF5
Longsword of Cold               00022580
Longsword of Depletion          000387AC
Longsword of Diminishing        0003D7D5
Longsword of Disintegration     0003D7C9
Longsword of Dispel             0003D7CE
Longsword of Embers             0003DAEC
Longsword of Enfeeblement       000389E8
Longsword of Fire               0003DB10
Longsword of Fracturing         0003D7C1
Longsword of Fragments          0003D7B9
Longsword of Frost              000B0705
Longsword of Jinxing            0003AB70
Longsword of Jolts              0002B589
Longsword of Lightning          0002C27E
Longsword of Numbing            0003DB7E
Longsword of Pain               0003D7E0
Longsword of Sapping            0003D7E5
Longsword of Scorching          0003DAFE
Longsword of Shattering         0003D7C5
Longsword of Shocking           0002B8DD
Longsword of Sparks             0002C565
Longsword of Storms             0002C28F
Longsword of the Blaze          0003DB19
Longsword of the Dynamo         0002C00C
Longsword of the Glacier        00022A2E
Longsword of the Inferno        0003DB22
Longsword of Weakness           0003AB41
Longsword of Weariness          0003D7DC
Longsword of Winter             000230E0
Mace of Abeyance                000359E7
Mace of Absorption              0003841C
Mace of Aversion                000353D1
Mace of Blizzards               000230AB
Mace of Burden                  000387B6
Mace of Burning                 0003DAF6
Mace of Cold                    0002258C
Mace of Deadweight              000387BE
Mace of Decay                   0003AF07
Mace of Depletion               000387AD
Mace of Diminishing             0003D7D6
Mace of Dispel                  0003D7CF
Mace of Dissolution             0003AF08
Mace of Embers                  0003DAED
Mace of Encumbrance             000387BA
Mace of Enfeeblement            000389E9
Mace of Excess                  000387BC
Mace of Feeding                 000387A8
Mace of Fire                    0003DB11
Mace of Flames                  0003DB08
Mace of Fracturing              0003AF0A
Mace of Freezing                00022642
Mace of Frost                   0003DB76
Mace of Holy Light              00035A64
Mace of Jinxing                 0003AB73
Mace of Jolts                   0002B58A
Mace of Legion                  0003BF65
Mace of Lightning               0002C280
Mace of Molag Bal               00027117
Mace of Numbing                 0003DB7F
Mace of Overload                000387B7
Mace of Putrification           0003AF0D
Mace of Rending                 0003AF0E
Mace of Repelling               000353CC
Mace of Sapping                 0003D7E6
Mace of Scorching               0003DAFF
Mace of Shocking                0002BAAA
Mace of Siphoning               000387A7
Mace of Sparks                  0002B566
Mace of Storms                  0002C290
Mace of Strain                  000387B4
Mace of the Blaze               0003DB1A
Mace of the Dynamo              0002C00D
Mace of the Glacier             00022A2F
Mace of the Inferno             0003DB23
Mace of the Undead              00035AB3
Mace of Transmogrify            0003B404
Mace of Turning                 000353D4
Mace of Voltage                 0002BFF6
Mace of Warding                 000353D0
Mace of Weakness                0003AB40
Mace of Weight                  000387B1
Mace of Winter                  000230E1
Mage's Mace                     0003E45D
Mage's Staff                    0002C6A8
Mage's Staff of Charm           0001FE11
Mage's Staff of Dispel          0001FE16
Mage's Staff of Fire            000E9448
Mage's Staff of Frost           000E944C
Mage's Staff of Paralysis       0001FE12
Mage's Staff of Shock           0001FE10
Mage's Staff of Silence         0001FE13
Mage's Staff of Soul Trap       0001FE14
Mage's Staff of Telekinesis     0001FE15
Mankar Camoran's Staff          000BE322
Mishaxhi's Cleaver              00187BC7
Naked Axe                       0003E45E
Nearness of Evil                0001493D
Northwind                       00187BC4
Oblivion's Caress               00014962
Oblivion's Embrace              000149E2
Penance of Animosity            00014966
Penance of Deception            0001496A
Penance of Faithlessness        0001496B
Penance of Hatred               00014967
Penance of Larceny              00014968
Penance of Pride                00014969
Perdition's Wrath               00082DE3
Pounder                         0003BF66
Purging Flame                   00014961
Quality Battle Axe Ember        0003DAF1
Quality Battle Axe Shiver       0003DB7A
Quality Battle Axe Soul Trap    00035385
Quality Battle Axe Spark        0002B573
Quintessence of Remorse         000149E5
Redwave                         00095A3F
Renault's Akaviri Katana        00066C44
Retaliation of Blood            000149ED
Retaliation of Spirit           000149EF
Retribution of Aggression       000149E7
Retribution of Cowardness       000149E6
Retribution of Hubris           000149E9
Retribution of Hipocrisy        000149EA
Retribution of Rapacity         000149E8
Retribution of Treachery        000149EC
Revealer of Iniquity            0001494E
Rockshatter                     00014EC6
Rohssan's Antique Cutlass       0001C14B
Rugdumph's Sword                0000BEA6
Ruined Akaviri Katana           000980DF
Ruma's Staff                    0001FB1C
Rusty Iron Bow                  00047ACA
Rusty Iron Dagger               00090616
Rusty Iron Mace                 00090614
Rusty Iron Shortsword           00090615
Rusty Iron War Axe              00090613
Sanguine Rose                   000228EF
Shadowhunt                      00034897
Sharpened Cutlass               000055AB
Shimmerstrike                   0002990E
Shortsword of absorption        0003841E
Shortsword of Blizzards         000230AC
Shortsword of Brittleness       0003D7BE
Shortsword of Burning           0003DAF7
Shortsword of Cold              0002259C
Shortsword of Depletion         000387AB
Shortsword of Diminishing       0003D7D7
Shortsword of Disintegration    0003D7CA
Shortsword of Dispel            0003D7D0
Shortsword of Embers            0003DAEE
Shortsword of Enfeeblement      000389E7
Shortsword of Fire              0003DB12
Shortsword of Flames            0003DB09
Shortsword of Fracturing        0003D7C2
Shortsword of Fragments         0003D7BA
Shortsword of Freezing          00022643
Shortsword of Frost             0003DB77
Shortsword of Jinxing           0003AB71
Shortsword of Jolts             0002D72E
Shortsword of Lightning         0002C281
Shortsword of Numbing           0003DB80
Shortsword of Pain              0003D7E1
Shortsword of Paralysis         0002B55F
Shortsword of Sapping           0003D7E7
Shortsword of Scorching         0003DB00
Shortsword of Shattering        0003D7C6
Shortsword of Shocking          0002BB17
Shortsword of Sparks            0002B567
Shortsword of Storms            0002C292
Shortsword of the Blaze         0003DB1B
Shortsword of the Dynamo        0002C00E
Shortsword of the Fang          0003CB6A
Shortsword of the Glacier       00022EBD
Shortsword of the Inferno       0003DB24
Shortsword of Voltage           0002BFF7
Shortsword of Weakness          0003AB42
Shortsword of Weariness         0003D7DD
Shortsword of Winter            000230E2
Silver Battle Axe               00025221
Silver Bow                      00025227
Silver Claymore                 00025226
Silver Dagger                   00025224
Silver Longsword                0002521F
Silver Mace                     00025223
Silver Shortsword               00025220
Silver War Axe                  00025222
Silver Warhammer                00025225
Sinweaver                       0000172E
Skull of Corruption             00027116
Spellbreaker                    00027112
Staff of Anarchy                00091321
staff of Apathy                 000912EB
Staff of Banishment             000914D2
Staff of Blundering             000912D3
Staff of Burden                 000912BE
Staff of Calm                   000912C1
Staff of Catastrophe            000912E2
Staff of Charm                  000912C7
Staff of Conflagration          000914C5
staff of Confusion              000912F1
Staff of Corrosion              000912FB
staff of Demoralize             000912F5
Staff of Diminishing            000914C4
Staff of Discord                000914CD
Staff of Dispel                 000912FE
Staff of Domination             000912D0
Staff of Fatigue                000912D9
Staff of Feeblemind             000912DF
Staff of Fire                   00091325
Staff of Fireball               00091328
Staff of Flame                  0001CECC
Staff of Fragility              0009131E
Staff of Frailty                000912EE
Staff of Frost                  0009132B
staff of Hoarfrost              000914C6
Staff of Ice Storm              0009132E
Staff of Indarys                0006B66D
Staff of Legion                 000914CC
Staff of Lethargy               0009131B
Staff of Light                  00091331
Staff of Lightning              000914B5
Staff of Nenalata               00058EEC
Staff of Open                   00091333
Staff of Pacification           000914C9
Staff of Paralyzing Burst       00091337
Staff of Ruin                   00091301
Staff of Severing               000912E5
Staff of Sickness               000912DC
Staff of Silence                000914BB
Staff of Storms                 000914B8
Staff of Submission             000914CB
Staff of Sundering              00091315
Staff of Taming                 000912CD
Staff of Telekinesis            000914BE
Staff of the Battlemage         000493BD
Staff of the Dazed              0009130F
Staff of the Doomed             00091312
Staff of the Everscamp          0004F790
Staff of the Grave              000914C1
Staff of the Healer             000914D1
Staff of the Mundane            000914D0
Staff of the Oaf                00091304
Staff of the Pariah             000912E8
Staff of the Plague             00091307
Staff of the Weary              0009130B
Staff of the Thunderbolts       000914C7
Staff of Unholy Terror          00056E50
Staff of Vulnerability          000914CF
Staff of Weakness               000912D6
Staff of Withering              000914C3
Staff of Worms                  0004A24E
Steel Battle Axe                000229B6
Steel Bow                       000229B7
Steel Claymore                  000229B8
Steel Cutlass                   0003AA82
Steel Dagger                    000229B9
Steel Longsword                 000229BA
Steel Mace                      000229BB
Steel Shortsword                00047ABF
Steel War Axe                   000229BD
Steel Warhammer                 000229BE
Storm Bow                       0003CD08
Sufferthorn                     000347EB
Sufferthorn                     000347F1
Sword of Submission             0003BF63
Sword of Wounding               0003CD02
Tempest                         0003CCFE
Thieve's Dagger                 0003E45C
Thornblade                      0006B661
Truncheon of Submission         000CA157
Umbra                           00026B22
Unfinished Staff                000355A6
Volendrung                      00027108
Voltag                          0003BF62
Wabbajack                       000228F0
War Axe of Absorption           00038420
War Axe of Beguilement          0004F036
War Axe of Blizzards            000230AD
War Axe of Burning              0003DAF8
War Axe of Cold                 000225B4
War Axe of Damnation            000353C5
War Axe of Decay                0003B408
War Axe of Deception            0003539B
War Axe of Depletion            000387AF
War Axe of Diminishing          0003D7D8
War Axe of Dispel               0003D7D1
War Axe of Dissolution          0003B409
War Axe of Embers               0003DAEF
War Axe of Enfeeblement         000389EB
War Axe of Feeding              0003B401
War Axe of Fire                 0003DB13
War Axe of Flames               0003DB0A
War Axe of Fracturing           0003B40B
war Axe of Freezing             00022647
War Axe of Frost                0003DB78
War Axe of Jinxing              0003AB72
War Axe of Jolts                0002B58B
War Axe of Lightning            0002C283
War Axe of Numbing              0003DB81
War Axe of Putrification        0003B40D
War Axe of Rending              0003B40F
War Axe of Sapping              0004F038
War Axe of Scorching            0003DB01
War Axe of Seduction            00035396
War Axe of Shocking             0002BD0F
War Axe of Siphoning            0003B400
War Axe of Soul Snares          000353CB
War Axe of Soul Traps           00035398
War Axe of Souls                0003537A
War Axe of Sparks               0002B571
War Axe of Storms               0002C296
War Axe of the Blaze            0003DB1C
War Axe of the Dynamo           0002C020
War Axe of the Glacier          00023003
War Axe of the Inferno          0003DB25
War Axe of Transmogrify         0003B405
War Axe of Voltage              0002BFF8
War Axe of Weakness             0003AB44
War Axe of Winter               000230E3
Warhammer of Abeyance           00035A24
Warhammer of Absorption         0003841B
Warhammer of Aversion           000353D2
Warhammer of Blizzards          000230D3
Warhammer of Burning            0003DAF9
Warhammer of Cold               000225D8
Warhammer of Deadweight         000387BD
Warhammer of Decay              0003AF06
Warhammer of Depletion          000387B0
Warhammer of Diminishing        0003D7D9
Warhammer of Dispel             0003D7D2
WArhammer of Dissolution        0003AF09
Warhammer of Embers             0003DAF0
Warhammer of Encumbrance        000387B9
Warhammer of Enfeeblement       000389EA
Warhammer of Excess             000387BB
Warhammer of Feeding            000387A9
Warhammer of Flames             0003DB0B
Warhammer of Fracturing         0003AF0B
Warhammer of Freezing           00022650
Warhammer of Frost              0003DB79
Warhammer of Holy Light         00035AAE
Warhammer of Jinxing            0003AB6D
Warhammer of Jolts              0002B58C
Warhammer of Lightning          0002C284
Warhammer of Numbing            0003DB82
Warhammer of Overload           000387B8
Warhammer of Putrification      0003AF0C
Warhammer of Rending            0003AF0F
Warhammer of Sapping            0004F03A
Warhammer of Scorching          0003DB02
Warhammer of Shocking           0002BD6B
Warhammer of Siphoning          000387A6
Warhammer of Sparks             0002B572
Warhammer of Storms             0002C298
Warhammer of Strain             000387B3
Warhammer of the Blaze          0003DB1D
Warhammer of the Dynamo         0002C025
Warhammer of the Glacier        00023087
Warhammer of the Grave          000353CE
Warhammer of the Inferno        0003DB26
Warhammer of the Undead         00035AB6
warhammer of Transmogrify       0003B406
Warhammer of Turning            00035644
Warhammer of Voltage            0002BFF9
Warhammer of Warding            000353CF
Warhammer of Weakness           0003AB3E
Warhammer of Weight             000387B2
Warhammer of Winter             000230E4
Weight of Guilt                 0001494D
Witsplinter                     0006B1C4


Bottes Daedriques       00036359
Cuirasse Daedrique      0003635B
Gantelets Daedriques    0003636B
Gantelets Daedriques    0000C582
Jambieres Daedriques    0003635A
Casque Daedrique        000733F4
Casque Daedrique        00036357
Bouclier Daedrique      000733F0
Bouclier Daedrique      00036357
Bottes de L'Empereur    0001FECE
Cuirrasse de L'Empereur 0003ABB9
Gants de L'Empereur     0001FED0
Jambieres de L'Emereur  0001FED1
Casque de L'Empereur    0001FED2
Robe De L'Empereur      00049514


Arrow of Blizzards              0004BF0B
Arrow of Brilliance             00008A4D
Arrow of Burning                0004BEFB
Arrow of Cleansing              000CD53F
Arrow of Cold                   0004BF02
Arrow of Cowardice              0003DFDB
Arrow of Discord                0003BF67
Arrow of Dispel                 0004BF11
Arrow of Drain Magicka          0004BF00
Arrow of Embers                 0004BF10
Arrow of Extrication            00022DB5
Arrow of Fatigue                0003DFD6
Arrow of Fear                   0003DFD8
Arrow of Fire                   0004BF07
Arrow of Flames                 0004BF04
Arrow of Freezing               0004BF05
Arrow of Frost                  0004BEF9
Arrow of Harm                   0003DFD7
Arrow of Hexing                 00159676
Arrow of Illumination           00008A4C
Arrow of Immolation             000CD542
Arrow of Jinxing                0004BEFF
Arrow of Jolts                  0004BEFD
Arrow of Light                  00008A4F
Arrow of Lightning              0004BF0C
Arrof of Misery                 0003DFD9
Arrow of Numbing                0004BEFC
Arrow of Qualms                 0003DFDA
Arrow of Savage Frost           000CD540
Arrow of Scorching              0004BF01
Arrow of Shocking               0004BF03
Arrow of Silence                0003DFDC
Arrow of Sparks                 0004BEFA
Arrow of Stillness              0003DFDD
Arrow of Storm Strike           000CD543
Arrow of Storms                 0004BF0F
Arrow of Sunlight               0000BAD9
Arrow of the Blaze              0004BF0A
Arrow of the Dynamo             0004BF09
Arrow of the Glacier            0004BF08
Arrow of the Inferno            0004BF0D
Arrow of the North Winds        000CD545
Arrow of Voltage                0004BF06
Arrow of Winter                 0004BF0E
Arrow of Withering              0003CB6C
Daedric Arrow                   0001EFD3
Dremora Barbed Arrow            000872A7
Dremora Broadhead Arrow         000872A6
Dremora Field Arrow             000872A5
Dwarven Arrow                   00022BE2
Ebony Arrow                     0001EFD5
Elven Arrow                     000229C0
Flare Arrow                     00008A4E
Glass Arrow                     00022BE1
Hatreds Soul Arrow              00014EB3
Iron Arrow                      00017829
MageBane Arrow                  000CD544
Rose of Sithis                  0003266D
Silver Arrow                    0001EFD4
Steel Arrow                     000229C1
Stormcall Arrow                 000CD541

Vetements,anneaux et amulettes


AlkanetFlower 0003365C
AloeVeraLeaves 000A7924
Ambrosia 000704A0
Apple 0003365D
Arrowroot 0003365E
Beef 0003365F
BergamotSeeds 000A7933
BlackBerry 00033663
BloodGrass 00033664
BoarMeet 00033665




Azuras Star 		        000000193
Black Soul Gem                  000000192
Black Soul Gem (Filled)	        000382E0
Black Soul Gem (Grand)          0001EC14
MG Black Soul Gem               0003C7FC
MG Black Soul Gem               00015208
MG Black Soul Gem (Filled)      000C6988
Soul Gem Petty                  000382D1
Soul Gem Lesser (Petty)         000382D2
Soul Gem Lesser (Lesser)        000382D3
Soul Gem Common (Petty)         000382D4
Soul Gem Common (Lesser)        000382D5
Soul Gem Common (Common)        000382D6
Soul Gem Greater (Petty)        000382D7
Soul Gem Greater (Lesser)       000382D8
Soul Gem Greater (Common)       000382D9
Soul Gem Greater (Greater)      000382DA
Soul Gem Grand (Petty)          000382DB
Soul Gem Grand (Lesser)         000382DC
Soul Gem Grand (Common)         000382DD
Soul Gem Grand (Greater)        000382DE
Soul Gem Grand (Grand)          000382DF
Soul Gem Empty (Petty)          00023D67
Soul Gem Empty (Lesser)         00023D69
Soul Gem Empty (Common)         00015B8B
Soul Gem Empty (Greater)        00015B8C
Soul Gem Empty (Grand)          00015B8E