Creation Kit : Bug Divers

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Crash au lancement du Creation Kit

Si lors du chargement du Creation Kit vous vous retrouvez avec le message d'erreur


File: C:\_Skyrim\Code\TESV\TES Shared\misc\BGSLocalizedString.cpp

Line: 1566
LOCALIZATION: Error opening or reading strings file. 

suivi d'un crash ou d'un freeze du CK, c'est que vous n'avez pas rajouté "sLanguage=FRENCH" à votre SkyrimEditorCustom.ini. Voir cette page pour plus d'explication.

Message d'erreur 'Fragment failed verification'

Le Creation Kit ne semble pas gérer les scripts contenus dans un bsa, si vous essayez d'ouvrir un mod sans décompresser ses scripts vous risquez de vous retrouver avec des messages d'erreur du genre

SCRIPTS: Cannot open store for class "NomDuScript", missing file?


Fragments on NomdelaQuête (ID) failed verification, and a backup could NOT be made. Affected file :

Malgré ce dernier message d'erreur, le CK va tout de même créer un fichier pex non-fonctionnel dans votre répertoire Scripts, et qui comme de bien entendu aura la priorité sur celui contenu dans le bsa, provoquant ainsi des bugs dont il est difficile de déterminer l'origine. Supprimez ces fichiers et travaillez de préférence avec les fichiers décompressés!

Nombreux messages d'erreurs lors du chargement des esm du jeu

Ceci est normal, les esm du jeu contiennent de nombreuses erreurs (plus encore dans la VF) et le CK ne fait que vous avertir. Mais ils n'affectent en rien le bon fonctionnement du Creation Kit!

Liste des erreurs au chargement de Skyrim.esm et Update.esm :

MASTERFILE: ===========================================================
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Gantelets impériaux de conjuration  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Épée impériale de fatigue  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Épée impériale de veulerie  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Épée impériale de réduction  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Épée cérémonielle  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Phare d'Hiveronde  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Rocher d'Eaulointaine  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Rocher d'Eaulointaine  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Phare d'Hiveronde  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Rocher d'Eaulointaine  has at least one space after it.
SCRIPTS: Cannot open store for class "HeadPart", missing file?
SCRIPTS: Cannot open store for class "ColorForm", missing file?
SCRIPTS: Cannot open store for class "CombatStyle", missing file?
MASTERFILE: NavmeshInfo 00028e37 has no parent space, ignoring
MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'ShipTrapdoor01MinUseHidden' (00099315) [0 units] in cell 'Contrées sauvages' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:

Base: 'ShipTrapdoor01MinUseHidden' (00061435)
Ref:  (00099315)
Cell: 'Contrées sauvages' (0000967A) (2, -6) in world 'Tamriel' (0000003C) 

See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00015E1D) [324 units] in cell 'YngolBarrowExterior' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:

Base: 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00031897)
Ref:  (00015E1D)
Cell: 'YngolBarrowExterior' (0000B452) (38, 11) in world 'Tamriel' (0000003C) 

See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'AutoLoadDoor01' (0001779F) [125 units] in cell 'KarthwastenExterior03' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:

Base: 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00031897)
Ref:  (0001779F)
Cell: 'KarthwastenExterior03' (0000707A) (-34, 9) in world 'Tamriel' (0000003C) 

See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'WRShackDoorMinUse01' (0006767F) [48 units] in cell 'WhiterunExterior10' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:

Base: 'WRShackDoorMinUse01' (000FE471)
Ref:  (0006767F)
Cell: 'WhiterunExterior10' (000095DA) (7, -1) in world 'Tamriel' (0000003C) 

See Warnings file for more information.
CELLS: Cell name Observatoire de la Rivière blanche for cell WhiteRiverWatch01 (000151F9) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:

Cell 'WhiteRiverWatch01' (000151F9)

Check Warnings for details.
CELLS: Cell name Fort Kastav - Quartiers du capitaine for cell FortKastav02 (00024771) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:

Cell 'FortKastav02' (00024771)

Check Warnings for details.
CELLS: Cell name Ruines de la Grande porte - Catacombes for cell HighGateRuins02 (0002F83E) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:

Cell 'HighGateRuins02' (0002F83E)

Check Warnings for details.
CELLS: Cell name Fort Dunstad - Quartiers du commandant for cell FortDunstad03 (0005258C) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:

Cell 'FortDunstad03' (0005258C)

Check Warnings for details.
CELLS: Cell name Ambassade du Thalmor - Chambre d'Elenwen for cell ThalmorEmbassy02 (0007DCFC) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:

Cell 'ThalmorEmbassy02' (0007DCFC)

Check Warnings for details.
CELLS: Cell name Ambassade du Thalmor - Baraquements for cell ThalmorEmbassy04 (0006DAA0) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:

Cell 'ThalmorEmbassy04' (0006DAA0)

Check Warnings for details.
MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'dunda14PortalDoor01' (0003DC3F) [287 units] in cell 'DA14Interior' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:

Base: 'dunda14PortalDoor01' (0003DC41)
Ref:  (0003DC3F)
Cell: 'DA14Interior' (0003D62B)

See Warnings file for more information.
CELLS: Cell name Maison du responsable de la fonderie for cell MarkarthSmelterOverseersHouse (00016DF5) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:

Cell 'MarkarthSmelterOverseersHouse' (00016DF5)

Check Warnings for details.
CELLS: Cell name Château de Clairlande - Salle de rituel for cell FellglowKeep03 (000C9DAB) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:

Cell 'FellglowKeep03' (000C9DAB)

Check Warnings for details.
CELLS: Cell name Irkngthand - Quartiers des esclaves for cell Irkngthand03 (000527F2) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:

Cell 'Irkngthand03' (000527F2)

Check Warnings for details.
CELLS: Cell name Fort Tiremuraille - Quartiers du capitaine for cell FortGreenwall03 (000529DD) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:

Cell 'FortGreenwall03' (000529DD)

Check Warnings for details.
MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00015D12) [307 units] in cell 'WolfskullCave01' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:

Base: 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00031897)
Ref:  (00015D12)
Cell: 'WolfskullCave01' (000151F6)

See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'HelgenKeep01btoExteriorREF' (000909D2) [275 units] in cell 'HelgenKeep01' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:

Base: 'ImpDoorSingleLoad01' (0004203A)
Ref: 'HelgenKeep01btoExteriorREF' (000909D2)
Cell: 'HelgenKeep01' (0005DE24)

See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'HelgenKeeptoExterior01REF' (0005DF95) [304 units] in cell 'HelgenKeep01' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:

Base: 'ImpDoorDoubleLoad01' (000439C4)
Ref: 'HelgenKeeptoExterior01REF' (0005DF95)
Cell: 'HelgenKeep01' (0005DE24)

See Warnings file for more information.
CELLS: Cell name Mausolée du crépuscule - Sanctuaire intérieur for cell TwilightSepulcher02 (0002E521) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:

Cell 'TwilightSepulcher02' (0002E521)

Check Warnings for details.