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Un post sur le forum retranscrit la plupart des fonctions et commandes de scripts :
Un post sur le forum retranscrit la plupart des fonctions et commandes de scripts :
Il sert de référence pour cette page.
Il sert de référence pour cette page. Les explications en VO seront bientôt traduites ;-)

==Types de Blocs==
==Types de Blocs==
Ligne 500 : Ligne 502 :

•WaterShallowColor,shallow,0178,Modifies water shallow color
•WaterShallowColor,shallow,0178,Modifies water shallow color
==Commandes de Script :==
Les commandes de scripts déterminent les actions qu'on peut effectuer dans un script. Par exemple, la commande AddItem sert à donner un objet (dont on donne l'ID), la commande Activate sert à activer un objet, ou l'objet qui porte le script, etc...
•ApplyImageSpaceModifier,imod,1191,Adds an imagespace modifier to the active list
•ClearNoActivationSound,,11FD,Clear the activation failure sound
•ClearScreenSplatter,cssp,1241,Clear screen splatter
•CompleteAllObjectives,,11AD,Complete all of a quest's objectives
•DamageActorValue,DamageAV,1181,Damage an actor value.
•DisableNavMesh,,11BF,Disable navmesh by FormID
•DisablePlayerControls,,1061,7 optional (0/1) values. movement|pipboy|fighting|pov|looking|rollover|sneaking ex: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
•EnableLoadingMenu,,1270,Enable or disables the loading menu
•EnableNavMesh,,11C0,Enable navmesh by FormID
•EnablePlayerControls,,1060,7 optional (0/1) values. movement|pipboy|fighting|pov|looking|rollover|sneaking ex: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
•ForceActorValue,ForceAV,110E,Does modav XXX (value - getav XXX). [player.forceav luck 25]
•ForceFlee,Flee,10F5,Forces a actor to flee if destination or cell is passed in uses them
•ForceTakeCover,TakeCover,1105,Forces a actor to move away from the target actor for a period of time
•ForceWeather,fw,112D,Forces the active weather to the specified type, without transition.
•GetActorValue,GetAV,100E,Get an actor value. [player.getav luck]
•GetAnimAction,,10DB,Return the actors current anim action.
•GetBaseActorValue,GetBaseAV,1115,Get a base actor value. [player.getbaseav luck]
•GetCauseofDeath,,118D,What killed the actor
•GetDLCCount,dlccount,126E,Returns how many DLC packages are installed.
•GetDefaultOpen,,10D7,Returns 1 if this object is open by default.
•GetHitLocation,,1187,What BGSBodyPart::LIMB_ENUM was hit. -1 = none, 0 = torso, ...
•GetIgnoreFriendlyHits,gifh,1152,See if an actor is ignoring friendly hits
•GetIsGhost,,10ED,Returns 1 if the actor is acting as a 'ghost'.
•GetKillingBlowLimb,,11F0,Which BGSBodyPart::LIMB_ENUM received the killing blow
•GetObjectiveCompleted,,11A4,Get objective completion status: 0-Off, 1-On
•GetObjectiveDisplayed,,11A5,Get objective displayed status: 0-Off, 1-On
•GetPermanentActorValue,GetPermAV,11EF,Get an actor value ignoring temporary modifiers. [player.getav luck]
•GetPlayerControlsDisabled,,1062,7 optional (0/1) values. movement|pipboy|fighting|pov|looking|rollover|sneaking ex: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
•GetRestrained,,10F4,Returns 1 if is restrained.
•GetUnconscious,,10F2,Returns 1 if is unconscious.
•IsCellOwner,,1118,get the ownership of the ref
•IsDLCInstalled,hasdlc,126F,Query if a particular DLC package is installed by file name or friendly display name. Takes one string as a parameter.
•IsLimbGone,,118E,Is BGSBodyPart::LIMB_ENUM been dismembered
•IsLoadingMenuEnabled,LoadMenuCheck,1271,Checks if the loading menu is open
•IsMoving,,1019,Is the actor moving?
•IsOwner,,1116,get the ownership of the ref
•IsPC1stPerson,pc1st,1188,Is the player playing in 1st person mode?
•IsTurning,,101A,Is the actor turning?
•IsWaterObject,,1130,Water condition used for drinking animation.
•IsWeaponInList,,118F,Is the current weapon in the form list
•ModActorValue,ModAV,1010,Modify an actor value. [player.modav luck, -10]
•ModPCAttribute,ModPCA,1110,Modify an actor value. [modpca luck, 10]
•ModPCSkill,ModPCS,110F,Modify the Players Skill. [modpcs Blunt, 10]
•ModScale,,113D,Modify the scale of an object
•ObjectUnderReticle,,1265,return the object under the reticle
•PipboyRadio,prad,11A7,Control the Pipboy radio. Enable, Disable, Tune
•PlaceAtReticle,,1263,Put an object at the reticle location
•PlayGroup,,1013,IE: PlayGroup SEQNAME 1
•PlayIdle,,1190,Play this idle on the current actor.
•PlaySound,,1026,Play a 2D sound. (Optional: 1 to indicate a system sound, 0 otherwise.
•PurgeCellBuffers,pcb,1189,Forcibly unloads all unattached cells in cell buffers.
•RemoveImageSpaceModifier,rimod,1192,Removes an imagespace modifier from the active list
•RestoreActorValue,RestoreAV,1182,Restore an actor value.
•SetActorValue,SetAV,100F,Set an actor value. [player.setav luck, 75]
•SetCameraFOV,FOV,1246,Change the camera's field of view (in deg): default 75
•SetCellPublicFlag,setpublic,10BB,Set public flag on cell. [setpublic MyCell 1]
•SetDefaultOpen,,10D8,A value of 1 will make the object open by default.
•SetDisposition,SetDisp,1184,Sets the dispostion with modifiers
•SetGhost,,10EC,A value of 1 will make the NPC act as a 'ghost'.
•SetIgnoreFriendlyHits,sifh,1151,Set whether an actor should ignore friendly hits (0-no, 1-yes)
•SetInChargen,,10E7,A value of 1 will be in chargen.
•SetNPCRadio,snr,11C4,Enable/Disable NPC radio playback: 0-Off, 1-On
•SetNoActivationSound,,11FC,Set the sound to play when activation fails (Sound)
•SetObjectiveCompleted,,11A2,Set objective completion status: 0-Off, 1-On
•SetObjectiveDisplayed,,11A3,Set objective displayed status: 0-Off, 1-On
•SetOpenState,,10DD,A value of 1 will make the object open.
•SetRestrained,,10F3,A value of 1 will be restrained.
•SetRumble,,11FB,Creates rumble in the controller (left motor) (right motor) (duration)
•SetScale,,113C,Set the scale of an object
•SetScreenSplatterFade,sspf,1243,Set screen splatter fade time
•SetScreenSplatterTexture,sspt,1242,Set screen splatter texture
•SetSize,CSize,10A4,Shrink/Grow an actor. [player.shrink 0.0 or radius]
•SetUnconscious,,10F1,A value of 1 will be unconscious.
•SetWeather,sw,1104,Sets the active weather to the specified type
•ShowAllMapMarkers,tmm,11F8,Shows/hides map markers (1 shows, 0 hides)(1 travel(default), 0 no travel)(1 all, 0 all but hidden(default)).
•StartConversation,,1056,Start a conversation [Bob.StartConversation Joe, SecretTopic]
•ToggleMotionblur,tmb,119E,Toggle Motion Blur for the selected reference
•TriggerHUDShudder,hudsh,1183,Trigger shudder effect on HUD. Params=Intensity/Duration.
•TriggerScreenBlood,tsb,1205,Trigger screen blood
•TriggerScreenSplatter,tssp,1240,Trigger screen splatter
==Types de Form :==
Les Form sont les catégories d'objet utilisables dans le Geck. Le Form WRLD regroupe les Worldspaces, le Form WEAP regroupe les armes, le Form NPC_ les personnages, etc...
Si vous chargez votre mod sous Geck ( Menu Data) et que vous cliquez sur Details après avoir surligné votre mod, toutes les modifications qu'il apporte sont affichées, regroupées par type Form.
•3B - ACHR (Placed NPC)
•3C - ACRE (Placed Creature)
•15 - ACTI (Activator)
•58 - ADDN (Addon Node)
•2F - ALCH (Ingestible)
•70 - ALOC (Audio Location)
•72 - AMEF (Ammo Effect)
•00 - NONE
•29 - AMMO (Ammunition)
•4D - ANIO (Animated Object)
•60 - ARMA (Armor Addon)
•18 - ARMO (Armor)
•0E - ASPC (Acoustic Space)
•59 - AVIF (Actor Value Information)
•19 - BOOK (Book)
•57 - BPTD (Body Part Data)
•5B - CAMS (Camera Shot)
•73 - CCRD (Caravan Card)
•75 - CDCK (Caravan Deck)
•39 - CELL (Cell)
•71 - CHAL (Challenge)
•6C - CHIP (Casino Chip)
•07 - CLAS (Class)
•36 - CLMT (Climate)
•1A - CLOT (Clothing)
•74 - CMNY (Money)
•32 - COBJ (Constructible Object)
•1B - CONT (Container)
•2B - CREA (Creature)
•5C - CPTH (Camera Path)
•6D - CSNO (Casino)
•4A - CSTY (Combat Style)
•52 - DEBR (Debris)
•76 - DEHY (Dehydration)
•45 - DIAL (Dialog Topic)
•64 - DOBJ (Default Object Manager)
•1C - DOOR (Door)
•61 - ECZN (Encounter Zone)
•4F - EFSH (Effect Shader)
•13 - ENCH (Object Effect)
•51 - EXPL (Explosion)
•0B - EYES (Eyes)
•08 - FACT (Faction)
•26 - FLOR (Flora)
•55 - FLST (FormID List)
•27 - FURN (Furniture)
•06 - GLOB (Global)
•03 - GMST (Game Setting)
•24 - GRAS (Grass)
•02 - GRUP (Group)
•0A - HAIR (Hair)
•09 - HDPT (Head Part)
•77 - HUNG (Hunger)
•48 - IDLE (Idle Animation)
•30 - IDLM (Idle Marker)
•54 - IMAD (Image Space Modifier)
•53 - IMGS (Image Space)
•67 - IMOD (Weapon Mod)
•46 - INFO (Dialog Line)
•1D - INGR (Ingredient)
•5E - IPCT (Impact)
•5F - IPDS (Impact Data Set)
•2E - KEYM (Key)
•42 - LAND (Land)
•65 - LGTM (Lighting Template)
•1E - LIGH (Light)
•4B - LSCR (Load Screen)
•2C - LVLC (Leveled Creature)
•34 - LVLI (Leveled List)
•2D - LVLN (Leveled NPC)
•4C - LVSP (Leveled ???)
•6E - LSCT (Load Screen Type)
•12 - LTEX (Landscape Texture)
•62 - MESG (Message)
•10 - MGEF (Base Effect)
•05 - MICN (Menu Icon)
•1F - MISC (Misc. Item)
•6F - MSET (Music Set)
•22 - MSTT (Moveable Static)
•66 - MUSC (Music)
•38 - NAVI (Navigationa Mesh Info Map)
•43 - NAVM (NavMesh)
•31 - NOTE (Note)
•2A - NPC_ (Non-Player Character)
•49 - PACK (AI PAckage)
•3F - PBEA (Placed ???)
•69 - PCBE (Placed ???)
•40 - PFLA (Placed ???)
•56 - PERK (Perk)
•3E - PGRE (Placed Grenade)
•3D - PMIS (Placed Missile)
•33 - PROJ (Projectile)
•23 - PWAT (Placeable Water)
•47 - QUST (Quest)
•0C - RACE (Race)
•5A - RADS (Radiation Stage)
•6B - RCCT (Recipe Category)
•6A - RCPE (Recipe)
•3A - REFR (Placed Object)
•37 - REGN (Region)
•68 - REPU (Reputation)
•63 - RGDL (Ragdoll)
•21 - SCOL (Static Collection)
•11 - SCPT (Script)
•0F - SKIL (Skill)
•78 - SLPD (Sleep Depravation Stage)
•0D - SOUN (Sound)
•14 - SPEL (Spell)
•20 - STAT (Static)
•16 - TACT (Talking Activator)
•17 - TERM (Terminal)
•01 - TES4 (File Header)
•44 - TLOD (???)
•50 - TOFT (???)
•25 - TREE (Tree)
•04 - TXST (Texture Set)
•5D - VTYP (Voice Type)
•4E - WATR (Water)
•28 - WEAP (Weapon)
•41 - WRLD (Worldspace)
•35 - WTHR (Weather)

Version actuelle datée du 23 novembre 2010 à 12:07

Les scripts du Geck New Vegas sont régis par les mêmes fonctions et commandes que celles du Geck Fallout3, augmentées de quelques_unes.

Un post sur le forum retranscrit la plupart des fonctions et commandes de scripts : http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1122265-initial-technical-details/page__st__20__p__16508760&#entry16508760

Il sert de référence pour cette page. Les explications en VO seront bientôt traduites ;-)

Types de Blocs

Les blocs servent à séparer le script suivant le type d'action à mener. Un script peut contenir plusieurs blocs : par exemple un bloc MenuMode qui détermine les actions à effectuer quand le pipboy est ouvert (menu), et un bloc GameMode qui servira à déterminer les actions que le script peut effectuer en mode de jeu (temps réel en jeu).






































Commandes de Console:

? signifie nouvelle fonction spécifique à New Vegas

Des commandes de Console sont à entrer en mode console. En jeu, appuyez sur la touche ² : une petite barre en bas de l'écran matérialise la ligne de commande que vous pouvez entrer. Il ne reste qu'à rentrer une des commandes pour qu'elle s'éxécute en jeu. Par exemple, en jeu, tapez ², puis tcl : cela désactivera ou activera les collisions en jeu.



•AddOcclusionPlane,AOP,01A9,Add Occlusion plane (x size, y size).

•BeginTrace,bt,017B,Creates a trace file (Xenon only)

•BetaComment,BC,0135,Add comment to [General] 'sBetaCommentFile' file. NOTE: select object first. [bc "This rock is too high."]

•CalcLowPathToPoint,LP2P,0129,ignore locks, allow disabled doors, ignore min use




•CenterOnWorld,COW,0142,[COW worldname -10 5]

•ClearAdaptedLight,cal,0184,Clears the HDR adapted light texture


•ClearScreenBlood,csb,01AD,Clear screen blood

•CloseAllMenus,cam,01B2,Closes all open menus


•CompleteAllQuestStages,caqs,017E,Sets all quest stages

•CopySaves,CopySaves,01BB,Copy save games from the host machine or a memory stick (ms).


•DeactivateAllHighlights,DAH,0121,remove all VATS highlights

•DebugCombatPlan,dcp,0196,Debugs the combat plan on an actor

•DebugMilesPS3,dm3,01B4,Enumerates Miles samples and streams

•DeleteReference,zap,01A1,Deletes the specified object ref

•DrawSkeleton,das,01BC,Enables skeleton drawing

•DumpMenuPackingInfo,dpmi,018A,Dump menu packing information

•DumpModelMap,DMM,0141,Dump model map contents to file

•DumpNiUpdates,dnu,01BF,Dumps the next frame's calls to NiNode/NiAVObject::UpdateDownwardPass to NiDump*.xls (only Debug/PIX 360 builds)

•DumpTexturePalette,DTP,0140,Dump texture palette contents to file param is sort type f-filename, s-size, c-count)

•EnableWeaponMod,,01CB,Mods the current weapon with the slot


•FlushNonPersistActors,Flush,017F,Deletes all the actors in High who are not persistant

•ForceFileCache,ffc,01BE,Enumerates Miles samples and streams

•ForceGroupStrategy,fgs,0199,Forces a combat group strategy

•ForceRSXCrash,fRSX,01C5,Forces an RSX crash

•FreezeRenderAccumulation,fra,015B,only re-render geometry visible during this frame

•GetActorValueInfo,GetAVInfo,01B1,Get detailed an actor value info. [player.getav luck]



•HairTint,,014C,3 ints, RGB

•Help,,0116,Show this help.

•HighlightAdditionalReference,HAR,0120,highlight a reference

•HighlightBodyPart,HBP,011F,highlight body part

•IgnoreRenderPass,irp,01B7,Ignore the given renderpass

•LoadGame,load,014E,LoadGame <filename>

•ModWaterShader,mws,0177,Modifies water shader settings

•ModifyFaceGen,mfg,01C4,Modify FaceGen Functionality

•MovePipboyKnob,MPK,011E,move pipboy knob

•MoveToQuestTarget,movetoqt,0157,Move player to current quest target (optional param: target number).

•OutputArchiveProfile,oap,016B,Output Archive profile info to a file

•OutputLocalMapPictures,OLMP,0181,Writes out the current local map.

•OutputMemContexts,omc,015D,Output Mem Context info to a file

•OutputMemStats,oms,015E,Output Mem Stats info to a file

•OutputMemStats,omsfw,018D,Output Mem Stats info to a file

•OutputTextureUseMap,OTUM,01AB,Writes out texture use map data to file.

•PickRefByID,PRID,0119,Select a reference by id for the console.

•PlaceLocationMarker,plm,01A3,PlaceLocationMarker x y z (optional name) (optional color )

•PlayExplosion,,018E,Plays explosion seq in selected obj

•PlayVATSCameras,pvc,01B8,Play this set of VATS cameras for the next VATS playback.

•PlayerSpellBook,psb,0149,Add all spells to player.

•PrintAiList,pai,014A,Printed Ai Lists.

•PrintHDRParam,PHP,0168,Prints current HDR settings.

•PrintNPCDialog,pdialog,0158,Prints NPC dialog

•QuitGame,qqq,016C,Exit game without going through menus.

•RefreshINI,REFINI,0145,Refresh INI settings from file.

•RefreshShaders,RS,013A,Reload HLSL shaders from disk

•ReloadCurrentClimate,rcc,0153,Reloads values from the current climate

•ReloadCurrentWeather,rcw,0154,Reloads values from the current weather

•RenderTestCell,rtc,0150,runs Render Test on player's current parent cell

•RenderTestHere,rth,0151,runs Render Test on player's current position

•ResetAllTerminals,rat,01B0,Debug resets all hacked/locked terminals.

•ResetDialogueFlags,rdf,01AF,Debug resets SayOnce, TalkedToPc, etc.

•ResetMemContexts,rmc,0171,Reset Max Mem Contexts

•ResetPerformanceTimers,rpt,019C,Resets the performance timers

•RevertWorld,rw,016A,Revert the world

•RunCellTest,rct,017C,Runs a cell test

•RunMemoryPass,rmp,0170,Runs a cleanup memory pass

•SaveGame,save,014D,SaveGame <filename>

•SaveIniFiles,saveini,016D,Writes all the .ini files.

•SaveWorld,,0152,Save hkWorld <filename>

•ScreenBloodTest,tsbTEST,01AE,Toggle screen blood debugging


•SetClipDist,,012B,float, new clip distance

•SetCombatActionCost,scc,0197,Sets the cost on a combat action

•SetConsoleOuputFile,scof,01B5,Sets the given file as target for console output.

•SetDebugText,sdt,016E,Sets which debug text is shown.

•SetDepthOfFieldRange,sdofr,0190,Sets Depth of Field range

•SetEmitterParticleMax,,01C6,Sets the maximum number of particles emitted by a non-master particle system emitter

•SetFog,,012A,2 floats, start and end depths


•SetGamma,sg,0182,Sets new gamma ramp.

•SetGlobalRadialBlur,sgrb,01AA,Set parameters for the global radial blur

•SetHDRParam,SHP,0166,Sets various values for the HDR shader

•SetHudGlowConstants,shgc,0186,Set parameters for HUD glow.

•SetINISetting,SetINI,0125,"setting:category" value


•SetImageSpaceModifiersEnable,sisme,019F,Set imagespace modifiers enable: 0-Off, 1-On


•SetLightingPasses,SLP,011A,4 (0/1) values. amb|diff|tex|spec ex: 1010

•SetMPSParticleMax,,01C7,Sets the maximum number of particles emitted by master particle system emitter set

•SetMaxAniso,,018F,Sets Depth of Field focal distance

•SetMotionblur,smb,0193,Set the motion blur params

•SetSkyParam,SSP,0165,Sets various values for the sky

•SetTargetDOF,stdof,0191,Sets the depth of field based on the target

•SetTargetFalloff,stfo,01B9,Sets the falloff of the target

•SetTargetRefraction,str,0160,Sets the refractive value of the target

•SetTargetRefractionFire,strf,0161,Sets the refractive fire value of the target

•SetTaskThreadSleep,,01C8,Sets the task thread sleep value (-1 to disable).

•SetTaskThreadUpdateSleep,,01C9,Sets the task thread update sleep value (-1 to disable).


•SetTreeMipmapBias,stmb,0188,Set mipmap LOD bias values for tree billboards.

•SetUFOCamSpeedMult,sucsm,01A0,Set speed mult for UFO cam.

•SetVel,,0195,Sets Velocity on a reference

•Show,TST,0100,Show global scripts and variables.

•Show1stPerson,S1ST,0115,Show the 1st person Model from the 3rd person camera. If in 3rd person mode it will show both.

•ShowAnim,SA,0114,Show Animation and Actor status.

•ShowFullQuestLog,SFQL,013F,Show all log entries for a single quest

•ShowHeadTrackTarget,SHeadT,0164,Show the head track target if set from look function

•ShowInventory,inv,019B,Shows reference inventory

•ShowPivot,SP,0167,Puts a temporary yellow plus at the pivot point of the selected reference.

•ShowQuestLog,SQL,013E,Show Quest Log

•ShowQuestTargets,SQT,014B,Show current quest targets

•ShowQuestVars,SQV,0102,Show quest variables. [svq QuestID]

•ShowQuests,SQ,0103,List quests.

•ShowRenderPasses,srp,015A,display render passes for the next frame

•ShowScenegraph,SFSG,0112,Create a window with the full game scene graph, open to the node corresponding to the selected reference (if any).

•ShowScenegraph,SSG,0111,Create a window with the full game scene graph or the scene graph of the selected reference.

•ShowSubtitle,,0159,show all dialog subtitles (1 shows always, 0 hides always)

•ShowVars,SV,0101,Show variables on object. [player->sv]

•ShowWhoDetectsPlayer,SWDP,0174, Show who detects the player


•StartAllQuests,saq,017D,Starts all quests

•TestAllCells,TAC,014F,Test All Cells (0 - stop, 1 - start, 2 - interiors, 3 - current world)


•TestDegrade,,01C0,degrades the specified number of MB of textures. negative values degrade all possible. (only 360 builds)

•TestLocalMap,tlm,0156,Simulates the local map. (1 or 0 for FOW on or off)

•TestRaceSexTerimnal,trst,01B6,Test race/sex menu rendered terminal

•TestSeenData,tsd,0155,Visually displays the current seen data


•ToggleActorMover,tam,01BA,Toggles actor movement through pathing system


•ToggleBorders,TB,0109,Show border lines for each cell.

•ToggleBoundVisGeom,tbvg,01B3,Toggles bound visualization for a ref


•ToggleCellNode,TCN,0136,Toggle 3D for a Cell child node: 0-Actor, 1-Marker, 2-Land, 3-Water, 4-Static, 5-Active

•ToggleCharControllerShape,TCCS,0163,Toggle char controller shape type.


•ToggleCollisionGeometry,TCG,0107,Show collision geometry.

•ToggleCombatAI,tcai,0175,Toggles ALL Combat AI

•ToggleCombatDebug,tcd,0198,Toggles combat debug info


•ToggleConversations,TCONV,013C,Toggle conversation stats

•ToggleDebugDecal,TDD,019D,Toggle debug displays for decal creation : 0-Wireframe, 1-Solid, 2-Occlusion Query, 3-Transform

•ToggleDebugText,TDT,010E,Show debug numbers on the screen.

•ToggleDecalRendering,TDR,019E,Toggle decal rendering

•ToggleDepthBias,tdb,01C1,toggles depth bias for decals on or off


•ToggleDetectionStats,tds,015F,Show the detection stats of the current seletected Ref.

•ToggleEOFImageSpace,teofis,01BD,Toggles end of frame imagespace effects

•ToggleEmotions,temo,0146,Toggle NPC facial emotions.

•ToggleFlyCam,tfc,0176,Toggles the Free Fly camera (UFO cam).

•ToggleFogOfWar,TFOW,0180,Turns fog of war on or off.

•ToggleFootIK,tfik,0194,Toggles Foot IK system

•ToggleFullHelp,TFH,013D,Toggle Full Help

•ToggleFullScreenMotionblur,tfsmb,0192,Toggles Full screen motion blur

•ToggleGodMode,TGM,0139,Toggle God mode

•ToggleGrabIK,tgik,01A6,Toggles Grab IK system

•ToggleGrass,TG,0143,Toggle grass display.


•ToggleHDRDebug,THD,0169,Toggles HDR debug textures.




•ToggleLiteBrite,tlb,016F,Toggles lite brite render mode.

•ToggleLookIK,tlik,01A7,Toggles Look IK system



•ToggleMaterialGeometry,TMG,0108,Show material geometry.

•ToggleMenus,TM,010F,Hide all the menus. Used for taking screen shots.



•ToggleMultiboundCheck,mbc,01A5,Toggle all Multibound check functionality

•ToggleNavMesh,TNM,0117,Toggle blocked display.

•ToggleOcclusion,tocc,015C,toggle occlusion query for geometry

•TogglePathLine,TPL,0118,Toggle path display.

•TogglePathingInfoFunction,TPI,019A,Toggle pathing information.


•ToggleProjectileDebug,TP,01CC,Show debug lines/shapes for projectiles. ,,01CD,(null)

•ToggleRagdollAnim,tra,01A8,Toggles Ragdoll Anim system

•ToggleRefractionDebug,trd,0162,Toggles refraction debug render texture

•ToggleSPURenderBatch,tSPURB,01C2,toggles the SPU render batch on or off

•ToggleSPUTransformUpdate,tSPUTU,01C3,toggles the SPU transform update on or off

•ToggleSafeZone,TSZ,0105,Display the television 85%% safe zone.

•ToggleScripts,TSCR,013B,Turn Script processing on/off



•ToggleTestLight,TTL,01A2,Toggle test light (radius, magnitude).

•ToggleTrees,TT,0137,Turn trees on/off

•ToggleVATSLight,TVL,01AC,Toggle VATS Light


•ToggleWaterSystem,TWS,0172,Toggles the water system

•ToggleWireframe,TWF,010C,Show the world as wireframe.

•Verbose,VERBOSE,0138,Toggle verbose combat/AI messages

•WasteMemory,wm,0183,Allocates some memory (in MB).

•WaterDeepColor,deep,0179,Modifies water deep color

•WaterReflectionColor,refl,017A,Modifies water reflection color

•WaterShallowColor,shallow,0178,Modifies water shallow color

Commandes de Script :

Les commandes de scripts déterminent les actions qu'on peut effectuer dans un script. Par exemple, la commande AddItem sert à donner un objet (dont on donne l'ID), la commande Activate sert à activer un objet, ou l'objet qui porte le script, etc...

























•ApplyImageSpaceModifier,imod,1191,Adds an imagespace modifier to the active list











•ClearNoActivationSound,,11FD,Clear the activation failure sound


•ClearScreenSplatter,cssp,1241,Clear screen splatter

•CompleteAllObjectives,,11AD,Complete all of a quest's objectives




•DamageActorValue,DamageAV,1181,Damage an actor value.








•DisableNavMesh,,11BF,Disable navmesh by FormID

•DisablePlayerControls,,1061,7 optional (0/1) values. movement|pipboy|fighting|pov|looking|rollover|sneaking ex: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0











•EnableLoadingMenu,,1270,Enable or disables the loading menu

•EnableNavMesh,,11C0,Enable navmesh by FormID

•EnablePlayerControls,,1060,7 optional (0/1) values. movement|pipboy|fighting|pov|looking|rollover|sneaking ex: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0











•ForceActorValue,ForceAV,110E,Does modav XXX (value - getav XXX). [player.forceav luck 25]

•ForceFlee,Flee,10F5,Forces a actor to flee if destination or cell is passed in uses them



•ForceTakeCover,TakeCover,1105,Forces a actor to move away from the target actor for a period of time


•ForceWeather,fw,112D,Forces the active weather to the specified type, without transition.









•GetActorValue,GetAV,100E,Get an actor value. [player.getav luck]





•GetAnimAction,,10DB,Return the actors current anim action.





•GetBaseActorValue,GetBaseAV,1115,Get a base actor value. [player.getbaseav luck]






•GetCauseofDeath,,118D,What killed the actor













•GetDLCCount,dlccount,126E,Returns how many DLC packages are installed.




•GetDefaultOpen,,10D7,Returns 1 if this object is open by default.































•GetHitLocation,,1187,What BGSBodyPart::LIMB_ENUM was hit. -1 = none, 0 = torso, ...



•GetIgnoreFriendlyHits,gifh,1152,See if an actor is ignoring friendly hits
















•GetIsGhost,,10ED,Returns 1 if the actor is acting as a 'ghost'.













•GetKillingBlowLimb,,11F0,Which BGSBodyPart::LIMB_ENUM received the killing blow













•GetObjectiveCompleted,,11A4,Get objective completion status: 0-Off, 1-On

•GetObjectiveDisplayed,,11A5,Get objective displayed status: 0-Off, 1-On
















•GetPermanentActorValue,GetPermAV,11EF,Get an actor value ignoring temporary modifiers. [player.getav luck]



•GetPlayerControlsDisabled,,1062,7 optional (0/1) values. movement|pipboy|fighting|pov|looking|rollover|sneaking ex: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0















•GetRestrained,,10F4,Returns 1 if is restrained.




















•GetUnconscious,,10F2,Returns 1 if is unconscious.





































•IsCellOwner,,1118,get the ownership of the ref








•IsDLCInstalled,hasdlc,126F,Query if a particular DLC package is installed by file name or friendly display name. Takes one string as a parameter.




















•IsLimbGone,,118E,Is BGSBodyPart::LIMB_ENUM been dismembered

•IsLoadingMenuEnabled,LoadMenuCheck,1271,Checks if the loading menu is open

•IsMoving,,1019,Is the actor moving?

•IsOwner,,1116,get the ownership of the ref

•IsPC1stPerson,pc1st,1188,Is the player playing in 1st person mode?
























•IsTurning,,101A,Is the actor turning?


•IsWaterObject,,1130,Water condition used for drinking animation.

•IsWeaponInList,,118F,Is the current weapon in the form list
















•ModActorValue,ModAV,1010,Modify an actor value. [player.modav luck, -10]






•ModPCAttribute,ModPCA,1110,Modify an actor value. [modpca luck, 10]


•ModPCSkill,ModPCS,110F,Modify the Players Skill. [modpcs Blunt, 10]

•ModScale,,113D,Modify the scale of an object




•ObjectUnderReticle,,1265,return the object under the reticle




•PipboyRadio,prad,11A7,Control the Pipboy radio. Enable, Disable, Tune



•PlaceAtReticle,,1263,Put an object at the reticle location



•PlayGroup,,1013,IE: PlayGroup SEQNAME 1

•PlayIdle,,1190,Play this idle on the current actor.




•PlaySound,,1026,Play a 2D sound. (Optional: 1 to indicate a system sound, 0 otherwise.




•PurgeCellBuffers,pcb,1189,Forcibly unloads all unattached cells in cell buffers.










•RemoveImageSpaceModifier,rimod,1192,Removes an imagespace modifier from the active list




















•RestoreActorValue,RestoreAV,1182,Restore an actor value.





















•SetActorValue,SetAV,100F,Set an actor value. [player.setav luck, 75]











•SetCameraFOV,FOV,1246,Change the camera's field of view (in deg): default 75





•SetCellPublicFlag,setpublic,10BB,Set public flag on cell. [setpublic MyCell 1]




•SetDefaultOpen,,10D8,A value of 1 will make the object open by default.


•SetDisposition,SetDisp,1184,Sets the dispostion with modifiers







•SetGhost,,10EC,A value of 1 will make the NPC act as a 'ghost'.



•SetIgnoreFriendlyHits,sifh,1151,Set whether an actor should ignore friendly hits (0-no, 1-yes)


•SetInChargen,,10E7,A value of 1 will be in chargen.







•SetNPCRadio,snr,11C4,Enable/Disable NPC radio playback: 0-Off, 1-On

•SetNoActivationSound,,11FC,Set the sound to play when activation fails (Sound)



•SetObjectiveCompleted,,11A2,Set objective completion status: 0-Off, 1-On

•SetObjectiveDisplayed,,11A3,Set objective displayed status: 0-Off, 1-On

•SetOpenState,,10DD,A value of 1 will make the object open.

















•SetRestrained,,10F3,A value of 1 will be restrained.


•SetRumble,,11FB,Creates rumble in the controller (left motor) (right motor) (duration)


•SetScale,,113C,Set the scale of an object


•SetScreenSplatterFade,sspf,1243,Set screen splatter fade time

•SetScreenSplatterTexture,sspt,1242,Set screen splatter texture



•SetSize,CSize,10A4,Shrink/Grow an actor. [player.shrink 0.0 or radius]




•SetUnconscious,,10F1,A value of 1 will be unconscious.



•SetWeather,sw,1104,Sets the active weather to the specified type



•ShowAllMapMarkers,tmm,11F8,Shows/hides map markers (1 shows, 0 hides)(1 travel(default), 0 no travel)(1 all, 0 all but hidden(default)).











































•StartConversation,,1056,Start a conversation [Bob.StartConversation Joe, SecretTopic]

















•ToggleMotionblur,tmb,119E,Toggle Motion Blur for the selected reference


•TriggerHUDShudder,hudsh,1183,Trigger shudder effect on HUD. Params=Intensity/Duration.



•TriggerScreenBlood,tsb,1205,Trigger screen blood

•TriggerScreenSplatter,tssp,1240,Trigger screen splatter


























Types de Form :

Les Form sont les catégories d'objet utilisables dans le Geck. Le Form WRLD regroupe les Worldspaces, le Form WEAP regroupe les armes, le Form NPC_ les personnages, etc...

Si vous chargez votre mod sous Geck ( Menu Data) et que vous cliquez sur Details après avoir surligné votre mod, toutes les modifications qu'il apporte sont affichées, regroupées par type Form.

•3B - ACHR (Placed NPC)

•3C - ACRE (Placed Creature)

•15 - ACTI (Activator)

•58 - ADDN (Addon Node)

•2F - ALCH (Ingestible)

•70 - ALOC (Audio Location)

•72 - AMEF (Ammo Effect)

•00 - NONE

•29 - AMMO (Ammunition)

•4D - ANIO (Animated Object)

•60 - ARMA (Armor Addon)

•18 - ARMO (Armor)

•0E - ASPC (Acoustic Space)

•59 - AVIF (Actor Value Information)

•19 - BOOK (Book)

•57 - BPTD (Body Part Data)

•5B - CAMS (Camera Shot)

•73 - CCRD (Caravan Card)

•75 - CDCK (Caravan Deck)

•39 - CELL (Cell)

•71 - CHAL (Challenge)

•6C - CHIP (Casino Chip)

•07 - CLAS (Class)

•36 - CLMT (Climate)

•1A - CLOT (Clothing)

•74 - CMNY (Money)

•32 - COBJ (Constructible Object)

•1B - CONT (Container)

•2B - CREA (Creature)

•5C - CPTH (Camera Path)

•6D - CSNO (Casino)

•4A - CSTY (Combat Style)

•52 - DEBR (Debris)

•76 - DEHY (Dehydration)

•45 - DIAL (Dialog Topic)

•64 - DOBJ (Default Object Manager)

•1C - DOOR (Door)

•61 - ECZN (Encounter Zone)

•4F - EFSH (Effect Shader)

•13 - ENCH (Object Effect)

•51 - EXPL (Explosion)

•0B - EYES (Eyes)

•08 - FACT (Faction)

•26 - FLOR (Flora)

•55 - FLST (FormID List)

•27 - FURN (Furniture)

•06 - GLOB (Global)

•03 - GMST (Game Setting)

•24 - GRAS (Grass)

•02 - GRUP (Group)

•0A - HAIR (Hair)

•09 - HDPT (Head Part)

•77 - HUNG (Hunger)

•48 - IDLE (Idle Animation)

•30 - IDLM (Idle Marker)

•54 - IMAD (Image Space Modifier)

•53 - IMGS (Image Space)

•67 - IMOD (Weapon Mod)

•46 - INFO (Dialog Line)

•1D - INGR (Ingredient)

•5E - IPCT (Impact)

•5F - IPDS (Impact Data Set)

•2E - KEYM (Key)

•42 - LAND (Land)

•65 - LGTM (Lighting Template)

•1E - LIGH (Light)

•4B - LSCR (Load Screen)

•2C - LVLC (Leveled Creature)

•34 - LVLI (Leveled List)

•2D - LVLN (Leveled NPC)

•4C - LVSP (Leveled ???)

•6E - LSCT (Load Screen Type)

•12 - LTEX (Landscape Texture)

•62 - MESG (Message)

•10 - MGEF (Base Effect)

•05 - MICN (Menu Icon)

•1F - MISC (Misc. Item)

•6F - MSET (Music Set)

•22 - MSTT (Moveable Static)

•66 - MUSC (Music)

•38 - NAVI (Navigationa Mesh Info Map)

•43 - NAVM (NavMesh)

•31 - NOTE (Note)

•2A - NPC_ (Non-Player Character)

•49 - PACK (AI PAckage)

•3F - PBEA (Placed ???)

•69 - PCBE (Placed ???)

•40 - PFLA (Placed ???)

•56 - PERK (Perk)

•3E - PGRE (Placed Grenade)

•3D - PMIS (Placed Missile)

•33 - PROJ (Projectile)

•23 - PWAT (Placeable Water)

•47 - QUST (Quest)

•0C - RACE (Race)

•5A - RADS (Radiation Stage)

•6B - RCCT (Recipe Category)

•6A - RCPE (Recipe)

•3A - REFR (Placed Object)

•37 - REGN (Region)

•68 - REPU (Reputation)

•63 - RGDL (Ragdoll)

•21 - SCOL (Static Collection)

•11 - SCPT (Script)

•0F - SKIL (Skill)

•78 - SLPD (Sleep Depravation Stage)

•0D - SOUN (Sound)

•14 - SPEL (Spell)

•20 - STAT (Static)

•16 - TACT (Talking Activator)

•17 - TERM (Terminal)

•01 - TES4 (File Header)

•44 - TLOD (???)

•50 - TOFT (???)

•25 - TREE (Tree)

•04 - TXST (Texture Set)

•5D - VTYP (Voice Type)

•4E - WATR (Water)

•28 - WEAP (Weapon)

•41 - WRLD (Worldspace)

•35 - WTHR (Weather)